What Are the Differences between Crushed Stone and Crushed Gravel?

There are many projects that need Crushed gravel and stone in Penticton including landscaping, driveways and much more. Though they may look and sound the same, there are certain differences between crushed stone and crushed gravel, Kelowna.

Some suppliers supply both these materials for projects around the city. In this blog, you will learn about crushed gravel and stones; you will also learn about the differences between the two.

What is Crushed Stone?

Crushed stone is a popular material used for residential products such as landscaping and driveways. Crushed stones are man-made products that combine limestone, natural stone, tap rock and granite. Compared to crushed gravel in Kelowna, these stones are crushed to form jagged edges associated with gravel.

Many homeowners like crushed stones as these stones are available in different sizes and colours. This indicates that they can easily achieve the desired aesthetic, and though it is more affordable than a concrete driveway, they are more costly than gravel.

What is Crushed Gravel?

The main difference between crushed stones and crushed gravel in Kelowna is that gravels are not man-made. It is formed naturally from large rocks that break with time creating smaller rocks. Due to this, crushed gravel is more round in shape and is also smoother compared to crushed stone.

Crushed gravels are used for landscaping, driveways, and construction sites as they are lighter than crushed stones. Crushed gravels are a combination of gravel and stone dust and are also available in different colours and sizes.

Final Words

You can contact reputed suppliers of crushed gravel, Kelowna and crushed stones if you need any of them. If you need any of these for a particular project, you can associate with a reputed firm that can also help you understand the quantity you will need for the project.

For more details about Trucking Services in the Okanagan Valley please visit our website: mackinleyclarkpaving.com


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