Crushed Gravel vs Crushed Stone to Use in Your Kelowna Projects
In the building industry, crushed stone is utilized as aggregate. Most crushed stone is generated in quarries, where bigger boulders are broken up and crushed by machines. Best Crushed Gravel suppliers in Kelowna is manufactured using manufacturing technology and techniques rather than being sculpted or created gradually, such as in a riverbed or canyon. Uses Crushed stone is mostly utilized as aggregate in building and maintaining roads. It's also used in agriculture and the manufacture of cement and lime, as well as other chemical uses. Crushed stone has various applications, many not wholly or entirely documented. Gravel vs Crushed Stone Crushed stone and gravel are two different materials, according to geologists. Crushed Gravel in Kelowna is just a commercial commodity manufactured by crushing rock into angular bits after being mined. Gravel is a natural substance of rock pieces larger than two millimetres moved by water. Crushed stone ty...